Principal’s Corner

We are off to a great start to the year. Thank you for your partnership in your child’s education.

We are recognizing students who have “Almost Perfect Attendance” this year as we do want ill students to stay home. We will be honoring 191 students who had almost perfect attendance for the 1st 6 weeks with special lunch tables and ice cream. Thank you for getting students to school and on time. If this is something that you are struggling with, your child has the opportunity to earn this reward each 6 weeks. It is never too late! Parents of those 191 students should also be expecting a little token of our appreciation soon.

Parents received Attendance Tracker magnets last week for your refrigerator. We hope you will use the magnet to help your children monitor their attendance. We know that attendance in elementary school builds good habits and contributes to a successful educational career and high school gradutation.

We now have an official security guard on campus every day. We call him Mr. V. He spends the day checking interior and exterior doors, safety and security hazards, gates, the playground, etc. We are happy to have him at Ross

We have several student jobs at Ross that students can apply for. 3rd and 4th grade students can apply for safety patrol (helping with car doors), Shelf Elves (shelving library books), Greeters (welcoming students in the mornings) Young Ambassadors (philanthropy projects for the school and community) Jobs help students take ownership of the school environment and gives them a purpose. We love to see our Ross Raccoons contributing to the positive school culture.

Every student has a job in the classroom as well. Students love to contribute and help where needed. They really take pride in their assigned jobs. The newest job we have added is the Welcome Committee or RRC (Ross Radiant Crew) Our counselor, Ms. Toi Davis has been working with a boy and girl in every classroom to teach them what it means to welcome and include new students to Ross. We are excited about this new job as we feel it will assist new students in feeling welcomed and included. We know this will ease the transition for our newest Raccoons.

Raccoon University is up and running. Our Reading Interventionist, Kathy Hall, does an amazing job organizing the reading portion of Raccoon U. Some students attend her class where they receive small group interventions in reading with Mrs. Hall or one of the tutors. Parents of students attending Raccoon U should have received a letter informing them of their child’s participation. Math interventions during Raccoon are provided to 3rd and 4th grade students.

We have started Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students). If you missed the meeting, it’s not too late to join the effort. If you are a man (dad, uncle, grandfather) of a Ross student and you have a little time to volunteer, please contact Toi Davis at for more information.

In partnership with the local food bank, we are able to provide food bags to 75 students for them to have for the weekends when school meals are not available. If you are in need of a food bag, please contact our counselor, Toi Davis at

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