Dates to Remember

Thursday, 12/2/21: If you are interested in joining our Rayburn trip to Washington D.C., the registration deadline is Thursday, Dec. 2nd. Here is the informational video for you to review: Rayburn D.C. Trip

Thursday, 12/2/21: KickStart Belt Ceremonies – 5th-grade session is from 6pm-6:45pm and students are asked to arrive 5:45 or earlier to be positioned into their assigned spots in the boy’s gym. The 6th-grade session is from 7pm-7:45pm and students are asked to arrive at 6:45 or earlier to be positioned and ready in the girl’s gym while they await the 5th-grade session’s end. KickStart uniforms are required and students are asked to arrive already wearing them.

Monday, 12/6/21: The online application process for Advanced Academic programs (Odyssey and INQUIRE) will open on December 6th and will be accepted through February 7, 2022.  Please follow this link for more information: Advanced Academics Applications & Parent Information Nights

Tuesday, 12/7/21: 6th grade Social Studies DBA; Rayburn Orchestra Winter Concert, 7:00 p.m. @ Rudder PAC

Wednesday, 12/8/21: Rayburn Winter Band Concert, 6:00 p.m. @ Rayburn Large Gym

Wednesday, 12/15/21: Rayburn Winter Choir Concert, 7:00 p.m. @ Bryan PAC

Friday, 12/17/21: Student Early Release

December 28 – January 4: Winter Holiday Break