Dates to Remember

Mark Your Calendars!

Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday, 10/5-7/21: Hearing & Vision Screenings in the library during our school day. Our nurse will contact you if there are any concerns.

Monday, 10/11/21: Parent-Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL for students. At the intermediate level, we only have conferences with families of students who are failing or struggling with behavior while at school. Teachers will reach out to get those scheduled this week. If you are concerned about your child but they are not failing or struggling behaviorally and you would like a conference, please reach out to your teachers and one will be scheduled with you.

November 15th: Twin City Missions is collecting gently used or new coats for children in need during this winter season. If you are able to donate, please drop your coat or jacket off in the box in Rayburn’s front lobby prior to this date. After last winter, we will never again take our Texas weather for granted and want all our kids to stay safe and warm! We’d love your help to make this happen. Thank you for your support!