Attendance Bites

In this edition of Attendance Bites, I want to offer a bit of help to parents and guardians who are struggling to get their child to want to go to school every day.  As educators, our primary goal is to work with parents and students to help every child be successful, academically and socially.

Here are a few tips to help your child feel more motivated to attend school:

  1. Be Engaged.  Communicate with your child’s teacher on a regular basis and share that information with your child.  If your child knows that you and their teachers are working together, the child is more likely to be mindful of their behavior and their academics.  They will see school as a safe place to learn and grow.  
  2. Show an Interest.  Talk to your child after school and ask what they learned.  Try not to let them give one-word answers.  Ask open-ended questions, or ask them to give you a mini-lesson on a topic they enjoyed.  Read a book together and discuss it.  Even though they may not say it, your child wants that connection with you.
  3. Encourage Meaningful Relationships.  Ask your child who their friends are in class, who they sit with at lunch, or who they play with during PE.  Peer relationships are extremely important to children and they want to share that information with you!

I hope you have found this information helpful.  As always, thank you for allowing us to invest in your child!

Ms. Neal – PBIS Attendance Lead Teacher