Dress Code Reminder

As a reminder, we must follow the school board-approved BISD guidelines for dress and grooming. Here they are for reference. At Rayburn, we go over these each morning with students on announcements – the visual is also included below of what students see. It is based on our most common dress code issues. To help our students become more responsible as they dress for school in the morning, we review this daily.

Our 1st period teachers will often work with students and parents by calling home first to see if we can get a change of clothes brought to school so we don’t miss instructional time. However, if this is a pattern of behavior for a specific student or if a change of clothes cannot be delivered, they do go to the Assistant Principal’s office for a behavior consequence.

Our students know the dress code! Please help them as they leave the house in the morning so we don’t need to make phone calls. Thank you for your help!