Important Info

Hello Raider Families!

Here is this week’s newsletter information:

  • Masks are highly encouraged at school. We want everyone to stay safe and healthy. Also, if your child is sick, i.e. fever, cough, trouble breathing, etc., please keep them home! You can send in a doctor’s note to get the absence excused, or we can accept up to 5 parent excuses. We do not want kiddos at school if they don’t feel well! Attendance is important so if they are healthy, send them to school. However, if they are sick, let them get well first!
  • We begin marking tardies at 7:45 a.m. each day. Your child must be inside the door by 7:45.
  • Lunch visitor info you need to know before being allowed to enter the building is below. Also, you must be on the student’s contact list to eat with them. If you are not, please contact the guardian to have you added BEFORE coming to visit:
  • Car Rider dismissal is finishing up around 3:40 each day, please be on time to pick up your child!