Attendance Bites

August:  Starting the Year Off Right!

As summer winds down and the calendar says it’s time to go back to school, the days of unstructured time come to an end.  Everyone is getting up early, packing lunches, and preparing for the day.  The excitement for the first day is almost palpable.  

However, believe it or not, some students are reluctant to return to campus.  It may seem like the early days of school are nothing but rules and expectations, but so much more is happening.  Relationships are being made.  Foundations are being laid.  Consistency and routines are helping children grow into intelligent academics.  The sage advice from parenting experts throughout the years really is true:  children thrive with structure and clear behavior expectations.  

And here is some interesting food for thought-  Students who miss fewer than two days in August, typically miss fewer than two days per month for the remainder of the year, and that makes some really smart kids!

Thank you for allowing us to invest in your child.

Ms. Neal

Rayburn PBIS Attendance Lead