Important Info 4 ALL Students

-If your child is registered for KickStart next year and you still have not paid, you must do that by this Friday! Our registration/payment portal will close on the 14th. 

-If your child is registered for Pre-AP ELA next year, you can find the BISD summer reading list HERE.

-If you were not able to attend our virtual parent involvement meeting regarding online student safety (IROC2 Public & Permanent), you can access the information using the following login info:

-Bryan ISD is getting a Book Mobile! And, we need your help in naming it!
If you have a fun name for our mobile library, please let us know! Submissions can be made by Bryan ISD students, teachers, or staff. The winning entry will be announced soon! Submit your suggestions by Tuesday, May 11. You can submit your entries via the form on our Mobile Library website (HTTP://, or by emailing Denise Kersten. Be sure to include Name, Campus, and Bus Name Suggestion with your entries.