Field Day

Hello Families!

Field Day is coming and we are so excited to be able to have a fun day of activities that celebrate this unconventional, but amazing school year. Whether we were on campus or at home, we all worked hard and rolled with the flow, often times minute by minute.

Here is how this will work:

Online students – your teachers will be posting fun alternate assignments on your grade level’s day. If you do any of them, you will be given your attendance credit for the day. We hope you can spend your day resting from your technology responsibilities and enjoy some fun stuff while online.

Face to face students – Dress in tennis shoes with cool clothing: dress-code-appropriate shorts and t-shirts are encouraged, as we know it will be hot and we will be outside for about 3 hours. Bring a water bottle, sunscreen, and your mask! Optional items are a hat and sunglasses. Students can bring lunch from home or get their

5th Grade will participate on Tuesday, May 25th.

6th Grade will participate on Wednesday, May 26th.

Students in DMC for behavioral referrals cannot participate, so we are making sure students are reminded of their behavioral expectations each day!

Also, you are welcome to order a fun spirit shirt to wear on this day: