Attendance Bites

Academic Excellence

Greetings Families.  In this edition of Attendance Bites, I want to take a moment to say, “Thank you!”  The parents and guardians of Rayburn Raiders truly are rockstars.  This has been a difficult year.  I think we can say that a million times for a million different reasons, and it’s still true.  However,  you are amazing.  Your children are amazing.  Because you have instilled in them the commitment to their education, our attendance numbers are soaring!

What does this mean?  This week, students across the state of Texas will be taking the STAAR tests.  For some, testing has a negative connotation.  But for me, as a teacher, I love this time of year.  Our students get the opportunity to face standardized tests head-on with optimism and the satisfaction that they are going to try their best.  And isn’t that what matters most?  The rise in attendance numbers tells me that students are showing the world they are committed to their education.  After all, consistent attendance is the first step toward academic excellence.  Now, bring on those tests!

Thank you for allowing us to invest in your child.

Ms. Neal – Rayburn’s PBIS Attendance Lead Teacher