Important Info 4 ALL Learners

Afternoon Car Rider Procedure – When pulling into our car rider line, please be sure to stay on the right side of the lane and go all the way around the backside of our building and around to the front. Traffic must stay with this flow to ensure safety for all vehicles.

Dress Code Reminder – We’ve had an increase with our ladies wearing jeans with holes in them above the knee/mid-thigh. When skin shows above mid-thigh, we have to call home for a change of clothes, and your child will wait/work in our behavior classroom until you arrive. They are welcome to wear leggings underneath their pants if there are holes, or jeans with holes at the knee or lower. Please help us by checking your child’s pants before they leave for school.

Note from our Nurse: All 5th and 6th-grade students will need their Meningococcal and Tdap immunizations before starting 7th grade if they haven’t already received them. We understand this is an advance notification, but we want to provide you with as much notice as possible so you can plan accordingly for your student.  Please provide an immunization record from your health provider once your student receives these immunizations so that we can update their records accordingly.

Do you know someone who may need a little help making the Easter holiday a little special this year? Check out this website for an easy way to get free eggs delivered right to their front door: