Attendance Matters!

Greetings Families!

It was exactly one year ago this week that our lives flipped upside down due to Covid-19 and mandatory school closures.  We learned how to “go to school” remotely and we prayed that next year would be back to normal.  Thankfully, we have the opportunity to attend school on campus this year, even though things are still far from normal.    

As long as you and your family are healthy, sending your child to school every day will help ease the trauma they have likely endured throughout this past year.  The friendships students have during this time are vital for their social-emotional development now and in the future.  Consistent school attendance helps students feel more connected to their social groups and to the adults in their school community.  It becomes their second home.  The routine and structure of regular school attendance will help heal some of the gaps that children have experienced.  At school, students can enjoy time with their peers and leave the worries of the adult world behind.  

At Rayburn Intermediate, we care about your child’s academics and their emotional health.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of their lives.

Ms. Neal – Rayburn’s PBIS Attendance Lead Teacher