Important Info 4 ALL Learners

-The submission deadline for your Black History Month poetry submissions has been extended to this Friday, 2/26th! Send the videos of you/your group reading/reciting an originally written spoken word poem or one of your favorites that someone else wrote. Email to:

-Car Rider Reminders – We need your help!

  • ARRIVAL – please make sure your child is ready to exit your vehicle as soon as your car stops and you are directed to unload. Do not wait until your car pulls up to the covered entrance – this stops up our whole line and keeps us from running an efficient and safe arrival for everyone. Also, please be kind when our staff directs you to exit. Our job is to keep everyone safe and it is tough when we are not treated respectfully for asking people to follow procedures.
  • DISMISSAL – Please follow staff member’s directions to pull all the way up to the furthest staff member at the front of the line. We direct kids to go all the way up so we can get in as many cars as possible to open doors and load at the SAME time. When they run to you and you stop mid-line, it backs everyone up and keeps us from running a quick, safe, and efficient pick-up line.

-Note from our Nurse: We will be screening all face-to-face 5th graders for hearing and vision on 02/23/21 and 02/24/21. If your student is an online learner or absent these two days, due to the challenges brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, your student will not be screened. 
Spinal screening can detect abnormal spinal curvatures at an early stage, however, we will not be doing any spinal screenings this year due to the restrictions placed on the screening process by Covid-19.
Vision, hearing, and abnormal spinal curvatures can affect your child’s wellbeing and ability to learn so we encourage you to make an appointment with your regular doctor for a yearly well-child checkup and ask for these screenings to be done at the same time.

-If your child takes home their laptop each night, please make sure they are CHARGING it at night so they work for them the following school day!

-Make sure your child brings their own MASK each day!