Attendance Matters!

One of the most powerful indicators of a successful student is the child who regularly attends school. 

We feel safe in saying that every parent wants their child to have the very best opportunities available in life.  Missing even half a school day per week adds up to the equivalent of missing nearly 4 weeks in one school year.  Those four weeks over the course of elementary grades K-6 means that your child has now missed considerably more than half a year of school.  Every school across the country is responsible for keeping track of this data.  We care too much to let your child’s education fall through the cracks. Please help your child understand how important every day of their education really is!

To bring this into a clearer focus, look for more attendance issues to be discussed in future newsletters, such as social/emotional issues, learning to read and reading to learn, student self-esteem, healthy life habits, and other academic issues.  

Ms. Neal – Rayburn’s PBIS Attendance Lead Teacher

5th Six Weeks Attendance Competition:

How about incentives to help encourage attendance?! Even though right now it’s “coldish” outside and ice cream may be the furthest thing from your mind, if your class has the best attendance this grading cycle, you’ll receive an ice cream party!

Online or at school, be present now through April 1st.