Important Info 4 ALL Students

Word of the Week: “Delve” – [verb], definition: 1) to dig or work hard with a shovel; 2) to work hard looking for information. Example Sentence: In order to plant the tree, we had to delve deep into the soil.

We’ve had lots of questions from parents regarding 2 things about our computers going home:

  • Q1 – what do we do if my computer is broken or needs repairs? A1 – have your student bring their device to their first period teacher and report what is wrong. The teacher will submit a repair request. Students will need to turn their computer in until it is repaired and return, but we can help them complete work during this time.
  • Q2 – What happens when my student forgets their computer at home? A2 – the first time it happens, we will call home and ask a family member to bring it to school. They will receive paper assignments for the day. The 2nd time it happens, we will call home, ask a family member to bring it to school, and they will receive paper assignments for the day. The 3rd time it happens, we will call home to have it brought to school and then it will stay at school and not be able to go home anymore.