School Picture Info!

Picture Day is this Friday, Nov. 13th!

  • Face to Face Students will take their picture during their PE class!
  • Online Students can drive up to take pictures outside the gym/bus entrance in the tennis court parking lot. There will be a camera set up between 9:00 – 2:00 for you to drive up, step out, sit on the stool, smile big, and say cheese! You will be under the awning of the sidewalk so we can get pictures done even if it is raining. You do not need to enter the building at all, just drive to that parking lot, pull up, and follow the photographer’s directions. Times are strict, so only between 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. will you be able to do this!
  • Order forms will go home on Tuesday with Face to Face Students.
  • ALL students can also order online at using the school code PTPUC. When you get to the site, click “November 2020” on the left hand side of the page, then scroll down to the date Nov 13, 2020 and look for the Rayburn Raider logo. Click “View Gallery” and enter your email to get to the ordering information.