COVID-19 Updates

In our efforts to keep everybody at Rayburn safe and healthy, the nursing staff at Rayburn would like to remind you to please screen your children before sending them off to school each morning. Even if your child is fever free, If your child feels unwell and has any combination of the symptoms listed below, please keep them at home.

COVID-19 Symptoms

● Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit ● Loss of taste or smell ● Cough ● Difficulty breathing ● Shortness of breath ● Fatigue ● Headache ● Chills ● Sore throat ● Congestion or runny nose ● Shaking or exaggerated shivering ● Significant muscle pain or ache ● Diarrhea ● Nausea or vomiting

We are also issuing disciplinary consequences to students who refuse to wear their mask properly or do not follow our COVID safety procedures while at school.

REMEMBER: It is safer to stay home if you are sick than to come to school and spread germs. Once you get tested and know it’s negative, or a doctor says it is something else and you can return to school, then come back ready to learn.

Also, if you do stay home, you can still be counted PRESENT just by completing your work online. ALL kids can do this so they don’t fall behind academically!

Our priority is your health and our health. TOGETHER we can get through this safely and still continue our learning!