Information for Face to Face Students

We are excited to see you all in person! Remember that you must wear a mask to school! Below, we have some important information for parents to know:

Here you will find a map so you can mark your child’s classes if you’d like: Parent Map.

Read our parent letter HERE: Rayburn Parent Letter

Parents, if you would like your child to have their own ear buds or headphones to use while in school, make sure you send them in their backpacks. We caution against wireless AirPods, as they are expensive, easily lost, and are not easily found.

We want each child to have their own pencil pouch with pencils, erasers, glue sticks, dry erase markers, and pencil sharpener inside. We will not have community supplies this year! If you need help with school supplies, please let us know.

There is NO Lost & Found this year. Clearly mark removable items, like jackets, lunch kits, etc., with your child’s name so we can return lost items directly to them!