Item Return & Pick-Up

Student Materials Return and Pick Up PLAN & MAP

May 20-21, 2020

Hello Raider Families!  

Please review this plan to know exactly when you can come to Rayburn to pick up any things your student may have left in the building –or– to drop off anything they need to return.

  • Find the date and time you are scheduled to come to Rayburn – it’s based off your child’s last name.
  • You will drive to Rayburn at your assigned time, and:
    • Follow the green arrows.
    • Pull up to each cone, in order.  
    • Stay in your vehicle at all times.  All items will be passed through the vehicle window.
    • All Rayburn Staff will wear gloves and masks.
    • Follow the Rayburn staff’s directions to know what to do. 
  • Below, you can preview what each station will be to ensure you are prepared with everything when you arrive:

Station 1:  Girls Athletics (inc. KickStart):

  • Locker items will be organized by locker number.
  • Students will have to give locker number to accept items.
  • Students will be held to the honor system to only take items that belong to them and not their locker buddy.
  • Any checked out athletic clothes must be turned in.

Station 2:  Student Item Pick Up:

  • Teachers have packed up any personal student items in classrooms, including, but not limited to:
    • Student work,
    • Fundraiser materials,
    • Purchased yearbooks,
    • Personal supplies

Station 3:  Library Return Station:  

  • Turn in all checked out library books

Station 4:  Medication Pick Up Station:  

  • If you still have any medication in the nurse’s office, you can pick it up here.

Station 5:  Laptop & Cord return:

  • Return any checked out district laptops and chargers.
  • You can do this at your OLDEST child’s school.
  • If you have more than one laptop and charger, please turn them all in at the same location.

Station 6:  Band & Orchestra Instrument Return:

  • Return any Rayburn instruments.
  • Pick up any student items left in music rooms.

Station 7:  Boys Athletics (inc. KickStart):

  • Locker items will be organized by locker number.
  • Students will have to give locker number to accept items.
  • Students will be held to the honor system to only take items that belong to them and not their locker buddy.
  • Any checked out athletic clothes must be turned in.
Wednesday, May 20th
First Letter of Last NamePick up Time
A – E8:00 – 11:30
F – L12:30 – 4:00
Thursday, May 21st
First Letter of Last NamePick up Time
M – R8:00 – 11:30
S – Z12:30 – 4:00

Station Map