PTO News

Hello Rayburn Family!!

We hope everyone is doing well and soaking up precious time with our awesome Raider students!! Teacher Appreciation is the week of May 4th-May 8th and since we can’t be in the building, we tried to be a little creative in ways to show our hard-working Rayburn teachers and staff how much we appreciate their dedication to our children. Below is what we have planned for the week and if you would like to participate in any of the day’s events, please feel free to do so as they would truly appreciate the love and support!

Monday, May 4th -Teacher Appreciation Form: We have a prefilled teacher appreciation google form that can be accessed here .Please have your child fill out as many as they want for any Rayburn teacher or staff member by Saturday, May 2nd. These will be reviewed and sent out to desired recipients on Monday, May 4th. We hope to fill their day with love and encouragement.

Tuesday, May 5th- Card my Yard: We have ordered a sign for our Rayburn teachers and staff that will be displayed out in the front of Rayburn facing the bypass.

Wednesday, May 6th- Car Parade: Need to get out of the house for a bit? Load up the family and come by Rayburn for our Teacher Appreciation Car Parade! We will line up as we do for arrival/dismissal with the first car stopping towards the back entrance and begin our parade at 12:30! Feel free to decorate your cars with signs but most importantly, your child’s smiling face and waving hands from the window will be the greatest sight for our teachers and staff!!

Thursday, May 7th– Teacher Appreciation Video: We will work on one memorable video for our teachers and staff that will collaborate all our efforts. The concept of the video is one compiled thank you note or one letter from all our students. To achieve this, each video will need to begin with your child catching a pencil (someone will need to be out of frame and toss the pencil to them) then act like they are writing something and verbalize a short video of their appreciation (please try and keep it under 15 seconds). After speaking, the student will then need to toss the pencil. When all our videos or compiled together, it will look like our students are catching and tossing the pencil to each other (I hope).  Videos without pencil tossing will be just fine too!! Please email your video to by Saturday, May 2nd.

Friday, May 8th- Teacher Goodies: If you/your student would like to give someone at Rayburn a card, letter, gift card or any other type of gift, there will be someone outside Rayburn Thursday April 30th from 9 a.m. -6 p.m. They will have a bin for you to leave your gift in. Your item will be put in their own box within the mailroom on Friday May 8Th so please make sure it is labeled properly.

We know times are hard so please feel free to do what you are able, and we want to thank you for your time and help in making this Teacher Appreciation Week the best one yet for our well deserved Rayburn teachers and staff!! If you have any questions regarding Teacher Appreciation week, please email Please stay safe and give your child a BIG hug for us!!

All the best,

Sam Rayburn PTSO