March 30, 2020

Hello Raider Families!

I hope this message continues to find you all in good health and good spirits!

Just a couple of announcements for this week.

  • We are using this week to train all our teachers on a digital learning management system called Schoology. This will be a new online hub for teachers to drop assignments for students to do at home. Our goal is to make this time at home as easy as possible for students to get the academic enrichment they need to keep their brains engaged and ready for school whenever we are safely able to meet again! It will also cut down on all the emails you get trying to keep up with each class and content! More info to come on Schoology very soon.
  • Our YouTube announcements are back! Mrs. Ryberg has figured out how to deliver them from her home! Kids can watch each day for a little message to keep us on track. You can find those here: YouTube Rayburn. Because students are accessing these at home, you may want to also monitor them. Our filters at school block out inappropriate ads before and after the video, but your home filter might not be able to do that.
  • Keep your student moving with these activities from our PE Teachers: Rayburn At Home PE
  • Ever wonder how you can access BISD’s Digital Library so your student can read more at home? Find out here: Digital Library- eBook Checkout

Stay Healthy Everyone!

Mrs. Ryberg 🙂