
KickStart T-Shirt Drive begins Monday the 27th! If you are interested in helping, you can purchase a t-shirt from any KickStart student for $15.00. Please read info below for more information, or email Mr. Ayala directly.

The Annual Kickstart Kids Sponsorship Drive contributes to our ongoing effort to support the Kickstart Kids program. It is an opportunity for our students to contribute to their own enrichment and to practice “paying it forward” by making sure others who are less fortunate are able to receive the same benefits from this life altering program.

The sponsorship drive will be held on Monday, January 27 to Friday, February 7, 2020. Students will earn prizes for reaching certain goals. The top performing school will receive the Kickstart Kids School of the Year Award to display, as well as a full set of demo team uniforms for the program on that campus. The logistics will be handled by the Kickstart Kids corporate office, and the shirts will be delivered in March.