Important Information

Wednesday, 1/8/2020: Back to school, start of spring semester. Please be sure to check in with your child regarding their personal supply needs. Do they need more pencils, etc.? Be sure to wash their backpacks – no germs wanted! Also, they are not too old to have their names written inside their jackets and hoodies – we had so many left in our lost & found!

Reminder: Morning arrival is from 7:00-7:35. They are considered tardy at 7:35. Afternoon dismissal is from 3:20-4:00. Please make sure they have a ride so they are not at school unsupervised.

Under Construction: Please excuse the mess in front of our school! We are getting a sidewalk from Boonville to MLK Blvd. Construction will happen during hours outside of arrival and dismissal so should not affect our normal routines. However, if news needs to be shared, it will be shared as quickly as possible.

Monday, 1/13: PTSO Meeting @ 5:30 in the library.

From our Nurses: Dear Parents, We hope you had a wonderful holiday season! We are looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful children back at school. If your child takes medication at school, please remember to bring in any needed refills.