New Policy

Parents & Guardians,

We are having issues with two student concerns: tardies and not wearing IDs. To help our students practice these expectations, we are going to hold them accountable with the following procedures.

Tardies – each tardy will be entered into our attendance system. At 3 tardies to the same class, the student will receive a behavior referral. The student will have a conversation with their Assistant Principal. At that time, they will be administered an appropriate consequence (after school detention) and a guardian will be contacted.

Not wearing their ID – each time they do not have their ID, they will receive a temporary ID. After 3 temporary IDs, they will receive a behavior referral and will be sent to the office. The AP will notify a guardian and given the opportunity to purchase a new ID for $3. The AP will also administer an appropriate consequence.

Please let the office know if you have any questions.

Thank you for your support.