Important Information

Lots of stuff over the next 3 weeks – I’m putting all dates in here so you can mark your calendars!

Monday, 12/2: PTSO Meeting in library @ 5:30

Tuesday, 12/3: 5th Grade Only – Next year’s course registration forms go home in Tuesday folders. Please sit down and help your child decide which 6th grade classes they want to register for!

Wednesday, 12/4: 5th Grade Science Benchmark

Friday, 12/6:

  • Fall picture retakes. Bring back the previous picture package to have pictures taken again, or if your child missed the first round, this is the time to get them taken for yearbook!
  • 5:30 p.m. – Theatre students performance of a short melodrama called “Money in the Bank or It’s All Your Vault.” in seminar room!

Dec. 5-13: Rayburn’s Scholastic Book Fair!

Week of Dec. 9-13: Hour of Code Week! Teachers are gearing up for fun and engaging technology-focused lessons this week.

Tuesday, 12/10:

  • 5th Grade Writing Test
  • 6:00-6:45 – Kickstart Belt Ceremony @ Rayburn
  • 7:15-8:15 – Orchestra Christmas Concert @ Rudder High School Performing Arts Center

Thursday, 12/12:

  • 5:00-6:00 – Rayburn Literacy Night & Book Fair Night
  • 6:00-7:00 – Band Christmas Concert

Friday, 12/13: 6th Grade Science DBA Test

Monday, 12/16: 5th & 6th Grade Math DBA Test

Tuesday, 12/17: 5th Grade Choir Concert @ 6:00-7:00 in Rayburn Café

Thursday, 12/19:

  • 5th Grade Awards Ceremony in Gym @ 8:30-9:15
  • 6th Grade Awards Ceremony in Gym @ 9:30-10:15

Friday, 12:20:

  • Class Holiday Parties – invites & info will come directly from teachers.
  • Early Dismissal @ 11:45