Counselor’s Corner

5th Grade Parents ONLY:

It is that time of year again!  We are looking forward to the coming year when your student moves to the 6th grade.  On Tuesday, your student will be going home with a blue registration form for you and them to discuss, fill out, and choose classes.  Students are excited for next year because they have five elective courses from which they may choose.  In addition to more electives, they will also be able to choose between PE, pre-athletics, and KickStart ($50 yearly fee to be paid later).  The last choice students have in 6th grade is between on-level classes and Pre-AP classes.  Pre-AP classes are similar to honors classes in 5th grade.

 For more information on the class choices, you can view the intermediate course guide online from the Bryan ISD website. > Parents > Parents/Students Helpful Links & Info > Course Guides & Program Descriptions (2018-2019). 

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