Important Information

ONLINE STORE: Thank you so much to everyone who purchased from our online store for our PE/Pre-Athletics fundraiser! The store is now officially closed. Please allow the company about 10 days to process all the orders. All items will be shipped to the school and we will deliver items in class. If you do not want us to give the item to your student, you will need to come to the front desk at Rayburn once items arrive to pick up. You can email us at if you have questions.

KONA ICE: Our favorite snow-cone truck will be here Friday, September 27th. Kona Ice will be selling snow-cones during all the lunches. Please bring the exact change – Cones are $3 for regular and $4 for king size!

Tuesday, 9/24: 6th Grade Social Studies District Based Assessment

Wednesday, 9/25: See You at the Pole Event @ 6:30 a.m.

Wednesday, 9/25: Wear blue for Deaf Awareness Day

Thursday, 9/26: 5th & 6th Grade Science District Based Assessments

Friday, 9/27: Last day of 1st 6 weeks

Thursday, 10/3: Open House! Come find out what your child does each day. Meet with your teachers.

Thursday, 10/17: Fall Photos! Order forms coming soon.