Get to Know Us

Amy Grichar & Julie Henry – Counselors

My name is Amy Grichar. I am one of the school counselors here at Sam Rayburn. This is my second year at Sam Rayburn, my fourth year in the district and tenth year in education. I have served as a school counselor at both the elementary and intermediate level. I look forward to working with the students this year. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need my
assistance.  I wish everyone an amazing school year!

Hi!  My name is Julie Henry and before I was a counselor at Rayburn I was a teacher for 9 years just north of Dallas.  This is my seventh year as a counselor and my sixth in Bryan.  I really enjoy working with students in this age level because I am able to help them discover who they are as they are growing and maturing into responsible teenagers.  A couple of fun facts about me is that I am a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind and I am teaching myself both Spanish and Braille.