A Message from our Nurse

Hello Parents, my name is Heather Doyle and I am the new RN here at Rayburn. Nurse Martinez and myself are here in the clinic daily for your children.

We are teaching the students the 7 reasons to come to the clinic, we call them the 7 B’s. The 7 B’s are: Bleeding, Breathing Bad, Broken Bones, Barfing, Burning up (fever), Big bump on head, and Bee sting. We see a lot of students for stomachaches and headaches. I wanted to let you know that we don’t treat these minor things in the clinic as we cannot administer medications without doctor’s orders. We encourage our teachers to keep these students in class as learning time is valuable and we don’t want them to miss out on instruction if at all possible. A lot of the students that come in for stomachaches and headaches are not eating breakfast or lunch so I want to encourage you to make sure your student is eating and remind them how important it is to have good nutrition. Also, many are not drinking water throughout the day. Did you know that staying hydrated boosts your immune system and will help your children stay well?  Feel free to send a water bottle with your student so that they can drink it throughout the day. We are here for your children and our goal is to help them stay well so that they can stay in class and learn.