As we continue to move our way through the pandemic and integrate an educational experience, I have to say, we are doing a great job. When I say we, of course, I mean the partnership that Henderson has with our amazing parents. Together we are managing the logistics of everything this pandemic entails. Thank you for your frequent and consistent communication on all matters COVID-19. It is very much appreciated as our number one priority is keeping all students and staff safe. Thank you for logging in when needed and ensuring that students are working whether they are at school or at home. This consistency in their learning is critical. We have proven together that a transparent, open and honest relationship is what is needed for a successful educational experience for students during this time. Thank you!!
For those few families who are still learning online, the window to change that option closes on December 8th. Here at Henderson, we see a gap widening for those students learning at home, as they are falling behind. It is difficult to give students their full education through a computer. I am hopeful that we will have even more students return in January as our goal is that students are fully prepared for the next grade level.
One nice thing about this situation is attendance. There is really no reason for a student to be counted absent. Any student who is at home can log in and do an activity before 11:59 PM and be counted present. All students should be able to earn perfect attendance for the remainder of the year. Please put a plan in place so that if your children are at home they can continue with their learning while there and not miss the days lessons.
May each of you have an amazing December and a restful, joyous and safe holiday break!