Principal’s Corner

This week is election week. Living in a country where we have the right to vote and be a part of the democratic election process is truly a privilege. I hope each of you exercises your voice by voting. Remember that Bryan ISD has a bond on the ballot. This bond will take care of many things that are needed to keep our students and staff safe and upgrade our facilities so that they are conducive to exceptional learning. Henderson, in particular, has quite a few items on the bond.

With that being said, this has been the most contentious election season that I have seen in my lifetime. As Henderson staff, we have remained neutral at school and continue to promote tolerance, which is desiring to understand and accept others. Whatever happens on and after election day, please help us to promote tolerance by instilling in your children that even though we may not all agree, we still must respect one another and work together.

I hope each of you has an amazing November!

It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos. – Donna Karan

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