I am so happy to have 91% of our students in the building receiving face to face instruction from teachers beginning November 2nd. For our online learners, just know that we miss you and can’t wait for your return.
We are gearing up for our first virtual parent involvement night to be held in December. It will be via Zoom. I am hopeful that many of you will attend. Not only is this something that parents and children can do together, but it is also strengthening the family school bond that is so important. The more that children see their parents engage with school either by attending events, asking open ended questions, reviewing homework or frequently communicating with teachers, the more they understand that education is a priority. I shared a few years ago in a newsletter that parents are critical to the academic success of their children. Parents who talk about college to their children, have children who are more likely to attend college. A parents influence is great! Your participation in their education is important and appreciated.
This month’s Essential 8 character trait is gratitude. November is perfect for gratitude as we celebrate Thanksgiving. Gratitude is being thankful and appreciative. Gratitude is truly the key to happiness. A person who is grateful feels joy and a full heart. Let’s focus on the things we have, instead of what we don’t have and model this for our children.
Gratitude bestows reverence…changing forever how we experience life and the world. – John Milton