Home School Connection

I am so happy to have 86% of our students in the building receiving face to face instruction from teachers. For our online learners, just know that we miss you and can’t wait for your return.

As we continue on this journey of education during a pandemic, communication is even more critical than ever before. You will have an opportunity to communicate with teachers in a formal manner through parent teacher conferences. These will be scheduled and conducted beginning mid October through November 20th. Please be on the look out for messages from teachers to schedule these meetings. Teachers will share beginning of the year assessment data, progress so far this year, grades discussion and year end expectations. They will also share things that you can do at home to support your child’s learning. Please plan on attending this very important meeting virtually or by phone.

Our Essential 8 character trait is Tolerance. Tolerance is desiring to understand and accept others. This is a trait that will serve students well through their lives as we all have many differences. We want to appreciate and embrace one another’s differences as that is what makes our communities so great. Let’s practice love, not hate.

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