Some helpful tips to start out the school year.
At home learners should:
- Have a designated space for students to complete school work.
- Log in work everyday to be counted present.
- Log in for a daily virtual lesson with the classroom teacher at a designated time.
- Develop a schedule that allows for at minimum 3 hours of instruction. Some students may require more time to complete assignments.
- Be eager and ready to learn.
At school learners should:
- Enter the school unaccompanied. Visitors, including parents, will not be permitted at this time.
- Wear a mask if in 3rd and 4th grade and strongly encouraged for younger students.
- Practice wearing the mask at home as well as hand washing and hand sanitizing.
- Be ready and eager to learn.
Both types of learners will have access to lessons in Schoology, have frequent communication with teachers, and be held to the same grading and attendance standards.