There are a few things that we at Henderson are doing differently this year to strengthen the home school partnership.
After each program, we hold a family engagement night for that grade level. Although it has been a work in progress as we work out the kinks, we feel that this makes the event more meaningful for families and teachers. We have much better attendance overall since it is tied to a grade level program. We hope that you have recognized this change and have benefited from it. As always, parent feedback is appreciated.
Have you ever asked or thought about what you should or could be doing at home to better support your child? Think no more. Read by Third is a partnership between Henderson, Jones, and Fannin Elementary Schools where parents learn simple things that they can do at home to support their child’s academic and emotional well being. It has been an amazing experience for me as a principal. In order to continue the program, however, we do need more parent participation at these events. Please consider being a part of this amazing organization that strengthens parents skills to be the best partner to our school. Our next event will be on February 8th where we will attend Aggieland Saturday together.
We are starting Watch DOGS (Dads of Great Students) which is for men only. We had our kick off event on January 28th and look forward to having more men volunteer at Henderson. We have opened this up to Dads, Grandfathers, and Uncles. There is plenty of research to support a fathers involvement in school and how that sets children up for success. If you are a father or male guardian who would like to be more involved in your child’s school, please contact Amy Marak at 979-209-1560.