We have so many things to celebrate from the fall semester. Mrs. Rossman, 4th grade teacher, was the first teacher to share a lesson on KBTX during their learning segment. KKids was featured on the news for philanthropy in raising funds for Relay for Life. Katherine Gonzalez, 3rd grade student, was featured and represented BISD for her work in philanthropy through KKids. Mrs. Gonzalez, 1st grade teacher, and Mrs. Kaapana, 3rd grade teacher, won grants from the Bryan ISD Education Foundation. Mrs. Barbu, Kindergarten teacher won a grant from the Rotary Club. We partnered with Texas A & M to provide a STEM day for students in November. We have changed our family engagement nights to match with grade level performances. This has been a huge success.
Each 6 weeks we have drawn names of students who have perfect attendance that 6 weeks. Ten families received gift cards each 6 weeks. We will continue this practice during the spring semester!
We joined Read by Third which is a partnership between Henderson, Jones and Fannin with Texas A&M University. Funding for this program is through donations. Texas A & M provides meaningful learning for parents once a month. We also receive free invitations to events such as basketball or soccer games. Please consider joining us on January 25th from 8-12 at Jones Elementary.
During our inservice on January 7th we really emphasized high expectations of students and staff and what that looks like throughout our building. We want to take Henderson to the next level academically and know that we can do that with your continued support and our focus on high levels of academic and behavioral teaching and expectations.
I am looking forward to many more things and a great spring semester!