This past weekend I attended my daughter’s wedding. We (my daughter and I) have worked hard to ensure that her wedding was memorable, a representation of her style, and economical. It was everything we had hoped for and so much more. Two things really stood out for me in this moment. How well my daughter’s fiancee treats her is remarkable. He loves her dearly. How well my oldest son treats his wife, my daughter in law. The message that I walked away with is that the most important decision our children will make is who they marry. This relationship must be positive, supportive, communicative, and loving. I love Essential 8 because we are developing good character in our children. I also love that we are providing social skills lessons daily to ensure that your children are equipped to handle life’s good things and trials. Thank you for supporting the great things that Bryan ISD is doing in instilling qualities in your children that create successful adults. Of course, parents have a large part in this as well. What you do at home matters greatly. What we model for our children is more important that what we tell them. As they say, actions speak louder than words!