Home School Connection

This months Essential 8 character trait is Philanthropy. What a great skill to focus on during the month of December. Philanthropy is making an active effort to make things better for others. I am excited that students are working on this and learning how to impact the lives of others who may be less fortunate or just going through a rough time. Through philanthropy we learn compassion and empathy. Philanthropy also builds our own self worth as there is nothing better than giving back to one another or the community. Everyone wants to feel like they are contributing to the greater good in some way, even kids! At Henderson we continue to support Relay for Life which is an organization that supports cancer research. We also support local nursing homes and the Brazos Valley Food Bank. These are just a few of the things we do as a school to impact the community.

As a parent you can talk about philanthropy and the things your family does to help others. It could be as simple as a meal for someone who is homebound or a visit to someone who is alone. These simple acts do not have to cost anything.

Thank you for being such great role models for your children and supporting Henderson. It has been an amazing first semester, COVID and all! I look forward to an even better spring semester!

Children are NOT a distraction from more important work. They are THE MOST important work. – C.S. Lewis

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