Students who earned AR rewards will enjoy a pinata party on January 17th. They have also enjoyed receiving bookmarks and other trinkets as well as eating on the stage, sitting in the principal’s chair all day, eating pizza with the principal and some have even earned the 100 point t-shirt. It’s not too late to earn prizes for reading. Keep up that reading! We will do a community read beginning in February. The entire school will be reading the Lemonade Crime. Please join us in reading this book and engage in the fun of reading as a family.
Students with perfect attendance for the fall semester attended a movie at the Queen Theater. We had about 140 students who participated. It was a great time! With a new semester comes new incentives for attendance. Students with perfect attendance (limited unexcused early leaves or tardies) for this semester can earn a trip to CiCi’s Pizza. Please help your students earn this trip by having them in school every day (unless they are running fever of course). We hope to surpass our number from the fall.
K-2nd grade parents will be receiving your child’s PRSP reports soon. This report shows a variety of reading data used to determine if students are prepared to move to the next grade level. Reports will be sent home OR if students are at risk of retention, a meeting with the parent and the teacher will be scheduled. Please be on the look out for this important information.
Just a reminder that Read by Third will be held at Jones Elementary on Saturday, January 25th beginning at 8:00am. They provide a fantastic breakfast and activities for children to do while parents are in the sessions. Sessions are provided by TAMU faculty and are informative and EASY to take back home and implement immediately. I hope to see you at this month’s session.