Principal’s Corner
This past weekend I attended my daughter’s wedding. We (my daughter and I) have worked hard to ensure that her wedding was memorable, a representation of her style, and economical. …
Continue reading "Principal’s Corner"This past weekend I attended my daughter’s wedding. We (my daughter and I) have worked hard to ensure that her wedding was memorable, a representation of her style, and economical. …
Continue reading "Principal’s Corner"November 4 3rd 6 weeks begins 8 Report cards go home 9 UIL Meet Bryan High School 11 PTO Meeting 5:45pm 4th Grade and Veteran’s Day Program @ 6:00pm Reading …
Continue reading "Dates to Remember"Attendance has been down this year. A few viruses have hit our campus. We are doing our best to keep children healthy. Please enforce at home: No sharing of drinks …
Continue reading "Home School Connection"