2 Labor Day Holiday
9/9-9/13 Scholastic Book Fair
10 Progress Reports
Hot Dog it’s Hawk Night 5:00pm-7:00pm Hot Dogs, learn about your child’s class and attend the book fair (flyer coming soon) K-4
12 Grandparent’s Lunch for Pre-K and 4th grade/Scholastic Book Fair open during Pre-K and 4th grade lunch (flyer coming home)
Pre-K Hawk Night 5:15-5:45 in the Pre-K classroom
13 Grandparent’s Lunch for K, 1st-3rd /Scholastic Book Fair during lunch (flyer coming home)
15 Fiestas Patrias Parade & Festival (flyer coming home)
16 PTO Meeting @6:00pm
20 Fundraiser Kick off 2:15pm
9/23 t0 10/7 Chocolate and Gummy Bear Fundraiser
24 McTeacher Night 5-7