On October 10, Henderson staff actively participated in discussions and “share-outs” explaining the importance of focused and targeted instruction. The ELL Instructional Coaches helped teachers delve into the ELPS Instructional Tool to deepen their understanding of how English L
anguage Proficiency Standards (ELPS), Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs), and Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) connect to focused, targeted, and systematic instruction. Teachers had the opportunity to reflect on their own practices, think about the language development process and its application in the classroom, all while paying close attention to the Proficiency Level Descriptors (PLDs) for each of the language domains. Thank you to the Henderson teachers and administration for actively participating and working to improve instruction for all students!
For a copy of the ELPS Instructional Tool, please contact the Bilingual Department. Additional training on ELPS is located on the Texas Gateway.
The following online courses are now available: