The workshop model is an incredibly efficient method of teaching reading and writing. The workshop structure allows teachers to address both the whole group’s needs as well as differentiating for the needs of small groups and individual students. The workshop model is made up of a mini-lesson, work time, and share time.
- The mini-lesson is where the teacher teaches the students a skill or strategy through demonstration and direct instruction. It should last only 10 – 15 minutes long. The mini-lesson is focused on teaching reading/writing strategies and other SE instruction.
- Work time is when the students are reading and writing and directly applying the lesson they just learned. This is also when teachers conduct small groups (guided reading lessons, literacy circles and guided writing lessons) and individual conferences with students.
- Share time is when students have the opportunity to share with the rest of the class how they used the skill or strategy just learned or reinforced in the mini-lesson.
During the mini-lesson, teachers can:
- model reading and writing in front of students
- use mentor texts
- have students spend time engaged in independent reading and writing
- have students share writing by helping compose, revise or edit a piece of writing
- have student share in the reading by utilizing reading strategies
- guide students’ reading and writing by teaching them skills and strategies
Please ask your ELA/SLA instructional coach, Mandy Wells or JoLyn Bricker if you have any questions about implementing the workshop model in your ELA/SLA classroom.