Ask any math or science teacher and they will tell you, “If my students would just stop and THINK it through, they would be better problem solvers!” Patient problem solvers are a direct result of explicit instruction on how to tackle and overcome difficulty in a safe learning environment. When a student encounters a problem that requires problem solving, the Bryan ISD Problem Solving Model is available to encourage students to use a process that helps organize their thinking as they decipher and analyze the problem or task at hand.

Davila Math Teacher, Michael Schroeder, explicitly teaches his students to think through problems using the BISD Problem Solving Model
- First, as they read the problem, they THINK about what they see.
- Next, they take what they see and make a plan.
- After making the plan, they carry out the plan or do the plan.
- Last, students reflect on the process and determine if the outcome is reasonable and justify why it is or is not.
In order to build perseverance and stamina, students must frequently engage in practices that require concentration, critical thinking, communication, and problem solving. We must encourage our students to think and consistently remind them to use the problem solving tools available to them.