Campus iSupport members will be offering TAC (gradebook) training for all new teachers to Bryan ISD by September 2, 2016. Please be on the look out for communication about this training and do not hesitate to reach out to your campus iSupport representative if you have any TAC questions.
In addition, use your domain (computer) username and password to login to OnDemand to view the Teacher Access Center video tutorials at anytime.
Also, check your TAC (gradebook) categories to ensure your category weights are correct. If you feel your category weights do not match the Grading Guidelines, contact your department head or appropriate C&I coordinator for your subject area immediately. Keep in mind that in order to update categories in TAC, a course must not have any assignments or grades entered. If you feel your categories are incorrect and need to be changed, do not enter assignments or grades until it is resolved. This will allow for a quick fix if a change is necessary.
If you have any questions or concerns please click here to submit a TAC Concerns and Questions form.