Student Advocacy

Did you know…
That you will start to see our students with special needs LEADING their own IEP meetings? Student led IEP meetings help to increase the student’s self advocacy skills and allows them to play the critical role in their educational planning. All teachers can help students by talking with their students about the supports they need to be successful in classes and encourage them to advocate for their own needs. When students learn to identify their own weaknesses it enables them to improve on those skills throughout the year. When students learn to advocate for themselves it helps them not only at school but it helps them become productive members of society after school. Self Advocacy also helps with behavior issues because the student has identified skills they struggle with as well as skills they excel at. By doing this it helps the students understand their frustrations better and better equips them to ask the right questions when they are confused/struggling on a topic. Teachers should continue to be a supportive role model in each student’s education and help them to understand how they learn best and how they can be successful in classes. For more information on how to assist students with self advocacy skills you can visit BISD Transition website for resources to use in the classroom. 

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