Our teachers are CHAMPs!

It has been so exciting to see all of the CHAMPs posters in our elementary classrooms and hallways. Teachers at the elementary level are quickly learning what our secondary teachers have been experiencing for many years– pre-teaching expectations works!


The whole premise behind being a PBIS school is the “P” (positive). The more time we spend on the proactive teaching of expectations, the less time we have to use on the negative redirections.


Remember to use our common vocabulary when talking to your students about voice levels.
0= Silence
1= Whisper
2= Partner Talk
3= Presentation Voice
These expectations should be communicated in the classroom each time you have a transition, so your students know if they can talk and at what level.

Take a look at the cafeteria table reminders they are using at Kemp-Carver and the hallway poster in place at Neal! Plus, the Branch Bears are even teaching students about voice levels in their morning meeting! The possibilities are endless!

unnamed   IMG_3115

One thought on “Our teachers are CHAMPs!

  1. I have been in the a very long time and I am amazed at how well CHAMPS is being implemented into our classrooms at Neal Elementary. I observed Ms. Mays’ third grade classroom during Guided Reading. She gave them instructions during stations that she needed them to be on level 0 because she was working with a group. I was in their for 10 minutes and every student who wasn’t at her table remained on level 0 until she gave them instructions to be on level 1. Thanks BISD because CHAMPS allows consistency in the entire school and district!

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