All elementary language arts teachers attended a guided reading training on August 17 and 18. The training focused on ensuring students growth in reading through the use of running records and monitoring notes. It fostered a deeper understanding of how knowing the characteristics of the different reading levels will increase student success in reading.
As you prepare for the beginning of the year DRA/EDL tests, review last year’s data to know where to begin your testing of your students. All teachers will keep DRA/EDL tests on file for each student in a testing folder. Instructional Coaches will share out this information during the DRA/EDL training. All teachers are being asked to participate in the DRA/EDL training to ensure the fidelity of the testing.
Guided reading binders will be used again this year to document guided reading instruction. The handouts for these binders are in Team Connect. Instructional Coaches will help teachers set up their binders following the district expectations. Please contact your Instructional Coach if you have any questions.