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Category: Information

On-line Testing for Students

Our 1st-4th grade At-Home Learners will be taking all their District-Based Assessments (unit tests) on the computer. This is new for students, so it would be beneficial for you to sit with your child to view this instructional video:

The student experience video – This is a video for students showing them how to get in to take a test in Eduphoria.  The test shown in the video will be the best way for students to practice actually taking a test.  

Our first District-Based Assessments will begin the week of September 14.

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At-Home & On-Campus Reminders

The 2020-2021 school year has launched, and I couldn’t be more proud of our students, parents, and staff! While this year may look a little different, we are committed to providing our BEST for both our At-Home and On-Campus learners.


Students are expected to complete work for each class daily. Establish a schedule for your child and join the class live if your teacher provides that opportunity.

If your child still doesn’t have technology, contact the front office (979.209.1400) to verify your information is correct in the system. Once the change has been entered, it will take approximately 2 days to process the request. If your child is in Pre-K, Kinder, or 1st Grade, the technology has not arrived yet. Once it is on campus, the school will contact you to come pick it up.

If you have technology but your child is having technical issues:

Curbside meal pick-up is available for At-Home learners:


Our school day begins as 7:35 and ends at 3:10. If your child is late or you check them out early, bring your phone into the vestibule. You will sign your child in or out using a QR Code that links to a Google Form. We will begin counting tardies starting Monday, August 24.

BISD policy states that all staff, visitors, and 3rd-4th grade students will wear masks in the building. We are strongly encouraging our Pre-K through 2nd grade students to wear one as well. Our teachers are providing masks breaks regularly within the school day.

Don’t forget to set up an account with SchoolCafe:


This is a new journey for all of us, students and staff alike, but we will fully serve both At-Home and On-Campus students to the best of our ability. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or concerns.

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Dream BIG T-Shirts

The PTO has purchased a Dream BIG t-shirt for every student at Mitchell.

If you have not received your child’s shirt yet, please call the office (979.209.1400) to request a shirt. We will send it home in your child’s backpack.


Helpful Tips for At-Home Learning

Learning Management SystemBryan ISD teachers will continue to facilitate At-Home learning through Schoology.  For new families, more information will be provided on how to access the account. 

Adult InvolvementParent involvement in the elementary school aged child’s At-Home Learning experience is critical for a successful outcome.  Elementary aged children must have consistent and continual adult interaction and supervision as they engage with the learning activities.  Teachers will be checking in frequently; however, parents will need to be actively involved so that children are learning at the same rate as the On-Campus students. 

Attendance:  Students MUST login each day and interact with the teacher, show progress on Schoology, and/or submit an assignment provided by the teacher to be counted present.  Truancy applies to students who are not engaging daily. 

Supplies and Materials:  Teachers will provide workbooks and materials for students to use at home.  Parents should ensure students have school supplies(list is available online and at most stores).  Families who need assistance with supplies will be provided with some items from the school. 

Distribution Day:  Families may pick up computers and materials on Wed, August 19, at the Mitchell bus drive from 7 – 9 am, 11 am – 1 pm, or 4 – 6 pm.

Workspace:  Students should have an established work space in the home that is free from clutter and noise so that students can concentrate. 

Daily Schedule:  Parents should create a schedule for students to follow.  Some activities will be self-paced; some activities (guided reading/math practice) will be live through Google Hangout. 

A daily schedule might look something like this:

  • 8:00-9:00       Math: video lesson & practice
  • 9:00-9:30       Guided Reading (Google Hangout)
  • 9:30-9:45       Break
  • 9:45-10:15     Reading/SS: video lesson & practice
  • 10:15-11:00    Writing: video lesson & practice
  • 11:00-12:00    Lunch and Movement Break
  • 12:00-12:30    PE, Art, or Music
  • 12:30-1:15      Science: video lesson & practice
  • 1:15-2:00        Enrichment or intervention


Helpful Tips for On-Campus Learning

School Hours: 

  • 7:00 am    Doors open and breakfast served
  • 7:35 am    School day begins (tardies counted)
  • 9:50 am    Official attendance time
  • 3:10 pm    School day ends (dismissal bell)

Attendance:  When schools are open and operating normally, students are expected to attend school all day, every day.  Traditional attendance rules will be enforced. 

Morning Arrival Procedures:  All students will report to their class upon arrival.  Students eating breakfast will pick up a Grab and Go meal on the way.  Students should wear the provided nametags…staff will escort young/new students to their classroom.

Reminders:  Students in 3rd and 4th grades are required to wear a face mask or neck gaiter to school.  Students in Pre-K through 2nd grades are encouraged to wear one.  Water fountains will be used to fill water bottles only.  Please send a water bottle to school with your child. 

Tuesday Folders:  Weekly Tuesday folders will continue.  Many community flyers will be distributed via the internet instead of Tuesday folders. 

Afternoon Dismissal ProceduresAll car riders will exit through the front door.  Parents must have the enclosed car rider tag to pick up their child.  If picking up by car, please enter the front drive in a single line.  If walking up, please wait at the flagpole and practice social distancing.  NOTE:  To request a change in the method of transportation home, please call the office before 2:30.  Parents will not be permitted to pick students up between 2:30 and 3:10 pm.  Please plan accordingly.

BISD Visitor Policy:  Due to COVID-19, parents will not be permitted to enter the building to walk students to class, eat with students, visit or volunteer in classes, or make fast food or cupcake deliveries. NOTE:  Since parents will not be able to walk their students to class, parents may drop off school supplies on Wed, August 19, at the Mitchell bus drive from 7 – 9 am, 11 am – 1 pm, or 4 – 6 pm.


Safety Protocols

To protect our On-Campus students and staff, the following protocols will be followed at Mitchell:

Hand sanitizer is located at each entrance.

Signs are posted throughout the building to emphasize safety procedures, and teachers will teach these procedures regularly. 

Frequent hand sanitizing and hand washing is built into the schedule.

Classroom furniture is arranged for social distancing.

Plexiglass dividers will be used in the classroom to separate students. 

Students will use their supplies (no sharing).

Water fountains will be used for filling bottles only.  Students are encouraged to bring one.

Students will pick up a Grab and Go breakfast and eat in their classroom. 

Staff and 3rd-4th graders are required to wear face masks.  Safe masks breaks are regularly built into the schedule.  Good News:  The PTO will purchase neck gaiters for all students.

Students will eat lunch with their grade in the cafeteria—enough space to social distance.

Classrooms and restrooms will be disinfected often throughout the day.

No outside visitors are allowed in the building, including parents. 

Ways to help…

  • We are asking parents to check students each morning for any COVID-19 symptoms (fever over 100, sore throat, headache, etc).  If students are displaying symptoms or someone in the family was exposed or tests positive, please keep them home and contact the school.
  • Let’s promote the safety of teachers and students by working with our youngest students (Pre-K through 2nd) to wear masks to school if possible.
  • I would encourage parents who have the ability to drive their children to school instead of riding the bus to do so.  This will reduce the number of students on buses and therefore increase safety. 
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