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Helpful Tips for At-Home Learning

Learning Management SystemBryan ISD teachers will continue to facilitate At-Home learning through Schoology.  For new families, more information will be provided on how to access the account. 

Adult InvolvementParent involvement in the elementary school aged child’s At-Home Learning experience is critical for a successful outcome.  Elementary aged children must have consistent and continual adult interaction and supervision as they engage with the learning activities.  Teachers will be checking in frequently; however, parents will need to be actively involved so that children are learning at the same rate as the On-Campus students. 

Attendance:  Students MUST login each day and interact with the teacher, show progress on Schoology, and/or submit an assignment provided by the teacher to be counted present.  Truancy applies to students who are not engaging daily. 

Supplies and Materials:  Teachers will provide workbooks and materials for students to use at home.  Parents should ensure students have school supplies(list is available online and at most stores).  Families who need assistance with supplies will be provided with some items from the school. 

Distribution Day:  Families may pick up computers and materials on Wed, August 19, at the Mitchell bus drive from 7 – 9 am, 11 am – 1 pm, or 4 – 6 pm.

Workspace:  Students should have an established work space in the home that is free from clutter and noise so that students can concentrate. 

Daily Schedule:  Parents should create a schedule for students to follow.  Some activities will be self-paced; some activities (guided reading/math practice) will be live through Google Hangout. 

A daily schedule might look something like this:

  • 8:00-9:00       Math: video lesson & practice
  • 9:00-9:30       Guided Reading (Google Hangout)
  • 9:30-9:45       Break
  • 9:45-10:15     Reading/SS: video lesson & practice
  • 10:15-11:00    Writing: video lesson & practice
  • 11:00-12:00    Lunch and Movement Break
  • 12:00-12:30    PE, Art, or Music
  • 12:30-1:15      Science: video lesson & practice
  • 1:15-2:00        Enrichment or intervention

Published inInformation


    • Shari Hedstrom Shari Hedstrom

      For now, you can email our librarian, Kerry Gray, with a recommendation for books. You may select specific titles or provide guidelines of what your child likes to read and she will check it out to them. When the books are ready, you may pick them up from the front office.

      You may also visit the All Inclusive Mitchell Schoology Course and click the link at the bottom that introduces the Specials Teachers, Counselor, and Librarian. Mrs. Gray’s page has other options to continue building reading skills.

      For more information contact:

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